Vinna við nýjar heimasíður Umhverfis- og orkustofnunar og Náttúruverndarstofnunar er í gangi. Heimasíða Umhverfisstofnunar er virk á meðan vinnunni stendur.

Active Substances

Article 9 Union List of Approved Active substances

Once an active substance has been evaluated by the Rapporteur Member State and other Member States have been consulted, a decision will be made on whether the substance can be accepted for Approval entry.

A list of the active substances included onto Article 9 Union List of Approved Active substances of the EU Biocides Regulation (EU BPR) can found on the ECHA website.

A copy of the final assessment report for each active substance can also be found on ECHA website.

Iceland Active Substance Database

This database lists the active substances which have a positive Approval decision. It presents important dates which now apply to products containing theses active substances in the relevant product type, and for applying for authorisation in the Iceland under EU BPR.

It does not provide links to the BPD Annex I Inclusion or EU BPR approval decisions; these can be found on the ECHA website.

Disclaimer: In case of any discrepancies between information in the database and the current regulation as published in the Icelandic Legal Gazette, the original text as published can be found in the Icelandic Legal Gazette prevails.

Non-inclusion decisions

In accordance with Article 4(2) of Regulation 2032/2003, biocidal products containing active substances for which a non-inclusion decision was taken shall be removed from the market within 12 months of the entering into force of such decision; unless otherwise stipulated in that non-inclusion decision.

A consolidated list of existing active substances for which a decision of non-inclusion into Annex I or IA of Directive 98/8/EC has been adopted is available here.

Iceland non-inclusion decisions Database

This database lists the active substances which have a non-inclusion decision. It presents important dates which now apply to products containing theses active substances in the relevant product type, and for applying for authorisation in the Iceland under EU BPR.

It does not provide links to the BPD Annex I Inclusion or EU BPR approval decisions; these can be found on the EU Commission website.

Disclaimer: In case of any discrepancies between information in the database and the current regulation as published in the Icelandic Legal Gazette, the original text as published can be found in the Icelandic Legal Gazette prevails.